30 November 2010

Sahabat Moo Ku :)


Savira Zakia Zakaria Putri, anak yang rame, ruwet, gokil, gila, sters, edan, cngeng, marahan, sensian :D wkwkkw... tapi dia selalu sukses memecahkan semua masalah yang dihadapinya, ketegaran, semangat, dan kerja kerasnya berbuah manis :) makasih ya moo selama ini dah bantuin sohipmu ini :)

Agnes Agelia Patiung, mata sipit, keliatannya diem(padahal gak), teanang, santaian, paling kuat diantara kita bertiga :) rumahnya selalu dibuat basecamp sama kita kita :P hehehhe... moo.. makasih juga udah nguatin best plen mu ini... :)

kalo kita bertiga itu kumpul biasanya...... curhat2an, makan mi ayam, beli jagung bakar, jalan jalan, nangkring di rumah anyes, rebutan teh yang di puja :D hahahha... foto2 gaje(aib banget) wkwkkw... ngakak kesana kemari :P yahhh pokoknya kalo kita  kumpul tu gilaaaa bangettt....
mungkin dulu waktu kelas 10 waktu kita ketemu lebih banyak daripada sekarnang :) tapi meskipun gitu aku masih sahabat kaliaaaannn selaaamaaanyaaaa... :D yeay... 

kalian berdua, my best friends.. makasih banget buat selama ini :') makasih dah mau jadi sahabat terbaek buat aku... makasih udah mau maen bareng ma aku... makasih udah mau berbagi suka dan duka... 

sahabat selamanya ya kawan :) I love you guys :D 

 @sungai dibawah rel

 @rel deket rumah anyes

 @sungai bawah rel

 @depan rumahku

 @teras rumah anyes

 @ruang tamu anyes

@depan sepuluh tiga

27 November 2010

Listening Music Is Enjoying

Listening music is very enjoying. As we all know that music can make us refresh. Why I say like that??

Firstly, listen music give us spirit. If we listen music when we are sad, we can listen slow music. When we listen the music our felling will quietly than before, and tahn we listen beat music, it will be give us more spirit.

Secondly, many songs have a good lyrics, happy, sad, spirit, angry, ect. So we can chose what the song wich same with our felling.

    Third, when our mind is boring we can listen music, so our mind will be fresh. Altough we just listen the music for a minute but it very usefull.

Fourth, listening music is very cheap. Because we can listen music not only by MP3 player, phone, iPod, computer, or DVD. We can also listen music by radio or TV.

    Fifth, some expert says that listening music can increase our smartness. A children who know music since child is smatter than a children who don’t know music since child.

There is many function from listening music. And listening music is enjoying.

25 November 2010

Singing "SEASON IN THE SUN" together

hari ini pas pelajaran bahasa inggris Mrs. Olif nyuruh kita buat nyanyi bareng.... :D asik.. melisa ditugasi sama bu kholif buat cari lagu.. dan ternyata melisa pilih lagunya westlife yang judulnya "Season In The Sun" nah... :D pertama kita nyanyi bareng bareng sambil fill in the blank lirik lagunya... :D udah gitu kita nyanyi diiringin gitar, yang maen gitar rasel, gilang, iik kalo gak salah :P kalo salah ya maap :p wkwkw... dan.. akhirnya kita nyanyi2... nih lirik lagu "Season In The Sun" by Westlife :)

Goodbye to you my trusted friend,
We've known each other since we're nine or ten,
Together we've climb hills and trees,
Learned of love and ABC,
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.
Goodbye my friend it's hard to die,
When all the birds are singing in the sky,
Now the spring is in the air,
Pretty girls are everywhere,
Think of me and I'll be there.
We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun,
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time
Goodbye papa please pray for me,
I was the black sheep of the family,
You tried to teach me right from wrong,
Too much wine and too much song,
Wonder how I got along.
Goodbye papa is hard to die,
When all the birds are singing in the sky,
Now the spring is in the air,
Little children everywhere,
When you see them I'll be there.
Goodbye Michelle my little one,
You gave me love and helped me find the sun,
And every time that I was down,
You would always come around,
And get my feet back on the ground.
Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die,
When all the birds are singing in the sky,
Now the spring is in the air,
With the flowers everywhere,
I wish that we could both be there.
pokoknya tadi itu seru banget nyanyi nyanyi bareng anak IPA 1 :D love you so much guys!! (gaya greyson) :D